Soundarya Lahari

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Play the Drums

 A king had many elephants, but one elephant was very powerful, very obedient, sensible and skillful in fighting skills. In many wars, he was sent on the battlefield and he used to return only after getting victory to the king

Therefore, he was the most loved elephant of the king. Time went by and there came a time when the elephant started getting old. Now he was not able to perform as before. Therefore, now the king did not even send him to the battlefield but still remained a part of his team.

One day the elephant went to the lake to drink water, but his feet got stuck in the mud there and then went on sinking. He tried a lot, but he could not remove himself from the mud. 

People came to know from the sound of his screams that the elephant was in trouble. The news  of the trapping of the elephant also reached the king. 

All the people, including the king, gathered around the elephant and made various efforts to get him out. But after trying for a long time, there was no way out. 

At that time, a old wise retired minister from the kings court was passing by seeing the king and the crowd he thought of stopping and seeing what was the matter. 

After a quick first inspection and speaking to the king, he suggested to the king that the battle drums should be played around the lake. 

The listeners felt bizarre as to how the trapped elephant would come out by playing the drums.

As soon as the drums of war started ringing, so did the change in the behavior of that elephant. At first, the elephant slowly stood up and then came out of the mud on his own, shocking everyone 

There was no lack of physical ability in the elephant, only the need to infuse enthusiasm.  

To maintain enthusiasm in life, it is necessary to maintain purposeful thinking and mindset.

In today’s tough times, we all need to infuse ourselves and people around us with hope and enthusiasm by playing the battle drums that we will again celebrate abundance of good health, joy and happiness tomorrow

Stop asking people how tough times are treating them, instead share the happy moments and what good things are happening around you.

Make sure the battle drums are played to declare not that a war has started but the victory in the battle of difficult times with the support of awesome  people like you around.

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