Soundarya Lahari

Friday, April 30, 2021

Callous Chieftains during Corona Pandemic

 We, the common folk of the country, are made the ultimate suckers by those in power and positions of privilege. We applaud when someone "powerful" is called out for his misdeeds by someone more powerful. But, we miss seeing that it is all a smoke screen.

We cheer when Maldivian islands close for Indians. We say, "Good. These Bollywood celebrities who were vacationing there during COVID were so irresponsible." But, fail to see that the celebrities can still vacation in mainland.

The Delhi High Court blasts the central govt. and state govt. over oxygen supply blame game. Declares "we will hang anyone who disrupts the supply of O2." . We, the fools, cheer. But, the same court asks the state government for "ensured hospitalization facilities" for  judges, judicial officers and their families. To cap it the Delhi state government, silently and shamelessly converts four hotels into 'COVID Care centres'  with a total of 450 beds to serve its own; while the common folk in the state die in droves due to unavailability of hospitalization facilities.

The Madras HC says, "Nothing wrong even if EC is booked for murder for allowing election rallies during the pandemic." . YAY!!. But, there is absolute silence on other crowds of protestors whom the judiciary had deemed "have right to protest" earlier.

As per official records, there were 3.2 lakh new cases on 26th April (it was 3.5 lakh, the day before). We rejoice for the dip. But, a lot of labs are instructed by the local administration, not to test too much, and not to give away too many covid positive reports. Further, as a person who have seen how dynamical models behave, this 3.5 to 3.2 dip is completely fudged.

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