Soundarya Lahari

Friday, February 28, 2020

Medha Suktam

Medha Suktam is a set of mantras found in Mahanarayana Upanishad, which is a part of Taittiriya Aranyakam of the Krishna Yajurveda. It is addressed to Medha (intellect, power to discern, memory, wisdom), visualized as a goddess. As Medha is considered as a form of Saraswati, the Suktam is popular as a hymn to Devi Saraswati, as a prayer seeking intelligence and capability to learn. The hymn is composed of Prapathakas 41-44 of Chapter 10 of Taittariya Aranyaka.

The Shanti Mantram preceding the hymn is found in Prapathaka 4 of Chapter 7 of Taittariya Aranyaka.

Shanti Mantram :

ॐ यश्छन्दसामृषभो विश्वरूपः |
छन्दोभ्योऽध्यमृताथ्सम्बभूव |
स मेन्द्रो मेधया स्पृणोतु |
अमृतस्य देवधारणो भूयासम् |
शरीरं मे विचर्षणम् |
जिह्वा मे मधुमत्तमा |
कर्णाभ्यां भूरि विश्रुवम् |
ब्रह्मणः कोशोऽसि मेधयाऽपिहितः |
श्रुतं मे गोपाय ||

ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः' ||

Transliteration and Translation :

oṁ yaśchandasāmṛṣabho viśvarūpaḥ .
chandobhyo'dhyamṛtātsambabhuva .
ca mendro medhayā spṛṇotu .
amṛtasya deva dhāraṇo bhūyāsam .
sarīraṁ me vicarṣaṇam .
jihvā me madhumattamā .
karṇābhyāṁ bhūriviśruvam .
brahmaṇaḥ kośo'si medhayā pihitaḥ .
rutaṁ me gopāya .
oṁ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ

May the universal form, exalted among The Text (Vedas) and born of the ambrosia of the Vedas, bless me with wisdom. May I be blessed with the nectar of immortality. May my body become active. May my tongue speak sweetly. May my ears hear everything well. You are the repository of Brahman, and are concealed from the intellect. May my memory protect me.

ॐ Shanti, Shanti, Shantih. [For Tranquility]

Medha Suktam :

ॐ मेधादेवी जुषमाणा न आगाद्विश्वाची भद्रा सुमनस्य माना |
त्वया जुष्टा नुदमाणा दुरुक्तान् बृहद्वदेम विदथे सुवीराः  |
त्वया जुष्ट ऋषिर्भवति देवि त्वया ब्रह्माऽऽगतश्रीरुत त्वया |
त्वया जुष्टश्चित्रं विन्दते वसु सा नो जुषस्व द्रविणो न मेधे || ||41||

मेधां म इन्द्रो ददातु मेधां देवी सरस्वती |
मेधां मे अश्विनावुभावाधत्तां पुष्करस्रजा |
अप्सरासु च या मेधा गंधर्वेषु च यन्मनः |
दैवीं मेधा सरस्वती सा मां मेधा सुरभिर्जुषताग् स्वाहा || ||42||

आ मां मेधा सुरभिर्विश्वरूपा हिरण्यवर्णा जगती जगम्या |
ऊर्जस्वती पयसा पिन्वमाना सा मां मेधा सुप्रतीका जुषन्ताम् || ||43||

मयि मेधां मयि प्रजां मय्यग्निः तेजो दधातु
मयि मेधां मयि प्रजां मयीन्द्र इंद्रियं दधातु
मयि मेधां मयि प्रजां मयि सूर्यो भ्राजो दधातु || ||44||

Transliteration  and Translation:

medhā devī juṣamānā na āgād-viśvācī bhadrā sumanasyamāna .
tvayā juṣṭā nudamānā durūktān bṛhadvadema vidathe suvīraḥ
tvayā juṣṭa ṛṣirbhavati devi tvayā brahmāgataśrīruta tvayā .
tvayā juṣṭaścitraṁ vindate vasu sā no juṣasva draviṇo na medhe ||41||

O goddess of wisdom! You are pleased, all-pervading and have a peaceful mind. Bless us so that we may give up bad speech and speak well in an assembly like heroes. Blessed by you, one becomes a sage; like Brahma. Blessed by you one attains prosperity and treasures. Bless us with that wealth of intelligence.

medhāṁ ma indro dadātu medhāṁ devī sarasvatī .
medhāṁ me aśvinavubhavadhattaṁ puṣkarasrajā
apsarāsu ca yā medhā gandharveṣu ca yanmanaḥ .
daivīṁ medhā sarasvatī sā māṁ medhā surabhirjuṣhatam̐̐ svāhā ||42||

May Indra give me intelligence. May goddess Saraswati give me intelligence. May the two Ashwini Kumaras, who wear garlands of lotuses, give me intelligence. May Saraswati, who is fragrant, bless us with the divine intelligence which is the wisdom of the Apsaras and the mind of the Gandharvas.

Ā māṁ medhā surabhirviśvarūpā hiraṇyavarṇā jagatī jagamyā .
Ūrjasvatī payasā pinvamānā sā māṁ medhā supratīkā juṣantām ||43||

May that Saraswati, who is intelligence personified, who is fragrant, who is all pervading, who has a golden complexion, who is the earth, who is accessible to all, who is full of vigour, who is overflowing with the nectar of knowledge, and who is beautiful; come to me and bless me with intelligence.

mayi medhāṁ mayi prajāṁ mayyagnistejo dadātu .
mayi medhāṁ mayi prajāṁ mayīndra indriyaṁ dadātu .
mayi medhāṁ mayi prajāṁ mayi sūryo bhrājo dadātu ||44||

May Agni give me intelligence, progeny and vigour. May Indra give me intelligence, progeny and bodily power. May Surya give me intelligence, progeny and brilliance.

Hamsa Gayatri :

ॐ हंस हंसाय विद्महे
परमहंसाय धीमहि |
तन्नो हंसः प्रचोदयात् ||

ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ||

Transliteration  and Translation:

oṁ haṁsa haṁsāya vidmahe
paramahaṁsāya dhīmahi .
tanno haṁsaḥ pracodayāt ..7..

Oṁ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ ..

We perceive the Hamsa that is the soul;
we meditate on that Hamsa that is the supreme being.
May that Hamsa inspire us (to reach that goal).

Om peace, peace, peace.

Note : Here the Hamsa signifies purity and further the repetition of the word 'Hamsa' gives out 'Sa Ham' or 'Soham' which means 'I am That'. This is an indirect reference to Brahman using the Hamsa/Swan as an allegory.

Vocal Rendering (by Swami Purnachaitanya):

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