Soundarya Lahari

Friday, October 19, 2018

Ode to Gagandeep's Thesis

You can't decide if it terminates if your sampling frequency is low
You'd miss too much, therefore Shannon said no.
The control problems don't seem very hard,
As long as they are slow, second order linear; And we have a PID card.

The problem comes when the system is nonlinear.
The discretization makes smoke come out of one's ear.
Rarely a ray of hope assures that it can be done,
Just see if it satisfies Conjuncture 3.1

If a closed form solution is not at hand,
Taylor-Lie computations will have a lot to demand.
You just consider the derivatives until the error turns tiny,
But, don't ask me how many terms are too less, or too many.

Oscillators too came in many flavours,
But, the jittery periodogram didn't give the understanding much of a favour.
Making real sense out of VDP and FHN,
Seemed like answering, "Which came first, the egg or the hen?"

Nothing is constant except change, they said.
About LTV systems, they must have read.
A commutation makes the solution neat.
Else it is back to iterate and repeat.

All this work is hoping that the examiners won't play spoilsport.
Didn't expect something like the alleged "Monaco's Report".
Yet, things may still turn out to be fine.
For the Dean is also from the depart which each of us call as 'mine'.

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