Soundarya Lahari

Monday, December 7, 2020

The Bulb Concept

A senior executive retired and shifted from his palatial official quarters to the housing society, where he owned a flat. He considered himself big and never talked to anyone. Even while walking in the society park every evening, he ignored others, looking at them with contempt. 
One day, it somehow transpired that an elderly person sitting beside him started a conversation, and they continued to meet. Every conversation was mostly a monologue with the retired executive harping on his pet topic, "Nobody can imagine the big post and high position I held before retirement; I came here due to compulsions"; and so on, and the other elderly person used to listen to him quietly.
After many days, when the retired executive was inquisitive about others, the elderly listener opened his mouth and said,  "After retirement, we are all like fused bulbs. It does not matter what a bulb's wattage was, how much light or glitter it gave after it gets fused."
He continued, "I have been living in this society for the last 5 years and have not told anyone that I was a Member of the Parliament for two terms. On your right, over there is Vermaji, who retired as General Manager in Indian Railways. Over there is Singh Saheb, who was a Major General in the Army. That person sitting on the bench in a spotless white dress is Mehraji, who was the chief of ISRO before retirement. He hasn't revealed it to anyone, not even to me, but I know."

"All fused bulbs are now the same – whatever its wattage was – 0, 10, 40, 60, 100 watts – it doesn't matter now. Neither does it matter what type of bulb it was before it got fused – LED, CFL, Halogen, Incandescent, fluorescent, or decorative. And that, my friend, applies to you too. The day you understand this, you will find peace and tranquillity even in this housing society."
"The rising sun as well as the setting sun are both beautiful and adorable. But, in reality, the rising sun gets more importance and adoration and is even worshipped, whereas the setting sun is not given the same reverence. It is better to understand this sooner than later". 

Our current designation, title, and power are not permanent. Keeping a lot of emotions with these things only complicate our life when we lose this one day.

Remember that when the game is over, the king and the pawn go back in the same box.


  1. Sir, There is no body by name Mehra ji, as Chief of ISRO. Hence, this above story is not real. It must be just imagination, or a fabricated story. As per Shri A S Kiran Kumar (2015 - 2018)
    Dr. K. Radhakrishnan (2009-2014)
    Shri G.Madhavan Nair (2003-2009)
    Dr. Krishnaswamy Kasturirangan (1994-2003)
    Prof. Udupi Ramachandra Rao (1984-1994)
    Prof. Satish Dhawan (1972-1984)
    Prof. M G K Menon (Jan-Sept 1972)
    Dr. Vikram Ambalal Sarabhai (1963-1971) and the present Chief of ISRO is Dr. K Sivan.
    All the retired Officers were projected as "useless" since they were compared with fused bulbs, which is totally not correct and this type of posts are insulting the Senior Citizens, and derogatory towards the retired officers ( This POST, has even used EX-Members of Parliament, EX-Officers of Railways, Ex-Military Officers, ISRO name etc, which is nothing but a damaging statement against all Retired Senior Officers of Govt. of India including Ex-Parliamentarians). Such posts should be removed.

    1. Where has it been claimed that this is a true incident?
      This is indeed an imaginative story trying to state that regardless of what position you hold during your employment, it all becomes practically irrelevant after your retirement.

      Now, even in the story, all the statements are being made by one man. What if he was lying?

      I would urge you not to get too agitated and offended by every other blog post that you come across on the internet.

    2. The story is only imaginative , not intended to hurt anybody. More we shed our so called glorious past,so as to be in tune with our surroundings, more will be our happiness.


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