Soundarya Lahari

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Four Monkeys - A Tale of Twists - Part 1 - Mitralabham

1 . मित्रलाभम् - Gaining Friends

This is a tale that had allegedly happened during the times of Ramayana, in the forests north of Kishkindha (किष्किन्धा) and west of Panchavati(पञ्चवटि) . This forest was named after Rishi Matangamuni(मतङ्ग मुनि)  who cursed Vali (वाली) and made Rishyamukha (ऋष्यमुखा)  a safe haven for Sugreeva(सुग्रीव). And similar to the Vanaras of Kishkintha, this forest too had many simians.

The figurehead of the group was an old baboon by name Koshadhuma(कोशाधुम ), who was not very bright and always tried to compartmentalize the problems and issues of the group. Incidentally, it was due to the efforts of Koshadhuma's friends in Danakaranya(दण्डकारण्य) that he was able to secure his current position in the Matangaranya(मतङ्गारण्य). Because of this, he was quite receptive and supportive to Pushkara(पुष्कर), a gorilla, also an import from Dandakaranya. 

Pushkara was quite a smart character. He knew that he needed allies to survive in Matangaranya. Thus, he sought the friendship of another proud local Rhesus Macaque, Dhanu-Shiri (धनु शिरी) (not related to the father of Vali-Sugriva).  Pushkara even helped Dhanu-Shiri in brawling with Ghati (घटि) another influential Rhesus Macaque local. Dhanu-Shiri got his pride from his father Pinaka(पिनाक) who was a well-respected and well-read leader of the forest who was a particularly vocal critic of the simians who came into Matangarayana seeking better-tasting fruits. Pinaka particularly loathed the migrants from the Yavana regions far westwards from the forest. He used to often refer to them as "हरितगद" or 'green poison'. Dhanu-Shiri's stature and standing in the forest were largely due to his father.  As Pinaka was approaching old age, he realized that he can no longer be as active as he had been all these years, and handed over the leadership of his 'flock' to his son. Dhanu-Shiri too rightly deduced that his own charisma paled in comparison to his father's and his friendship with Pushkara would be a symbiotic relationship, beneficial to both of them.  At least, for now.

Incidentally, Ghati too had been great friends with a grey langur by name Karatala (करतल). In fact, He had until recently even been a part of the troop headed by Karatala, operating from Khandavaprastha(खाण्डवप्रस्थ) in the northern part of Bharatavarsha. It is said that their friendship had been so thick that Ghati had even abandoned his own father, who was both his teacher and mentor, in his old age, in order to join Karatala’s troop. However, if anyone asked Ghati for his reasons for joining the troop of a clear outsider like Karatala, he used to say, “I totally disagree with the ideas and philosophies of Pinaka. Therefore, I am left with no other choice than to join hands with Karatala”. Do you see the logic in it?

1 comment:

  1. The current situation in matanga...very well written. Superb, this story will have many sequels


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