Soundarya Lahari

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Trikarana Shuddhi

What is Trikarana Shuddhi?

Sri Maha Periyava explains this to His students (us).

The exam results were out on that day and Maha Swamigal was asking the students about the results and their marks in each of the subjects. He suddenly turned and asked," I have a question for all of you. If you get 90% in Physics, 60% in Chemistry and 20% in Maths, can you be considered to have passed the exams?" 

The answer was a resounding "No".

Maha Swamigal asked, "Why?"

The students started explaining the exam rules to the Divine Chancellor. "Swamigal, you need to pass each of the three subjects to clear the exams".

Maha Swamigal smiled and said, "Is that so? Suppose you are very good in actions and get 90%. In your speech also you are good and hence get 60%. But you are weak in thoughts and get only 20%. Can you be considered to have passed in God's exams?"

There was pin-drop silence in the hall. Maha Swamigal continued, "Just as you cannot pass your academic exams without passing in each of the subjects, you cannot also pass in God's exam without doing well in each of the Thoughts, Words and Deeds."

He added," This is essentially called the Trikarana Shuddi, which is the stepping stone on making ourselves step on to the journey to reach the Supreme".

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