Soundarya Lahari

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Nama Ramayanam

Nama Ramayanam is a condensation of all the cantos of Ramayanam. It basically is a hymn in praise of Lord Rama, which in turn illustrates the qualities of Lord Rama by citing various incidents from the Ramayana. It was composed by Lakshmanacharya, a Sri Vaishanavite devotee of Lord Rama.

बाल काण्डम्

शुद्ध ब्रह्म परात्पर राम
कालात्मक परमेश्वर राम

शेष तल्प सुख निद्रित राम
ब्रह्माध्यमर प्रार्थित राम

चण्डकिरण कुल मण्डन राम
श्रीमद्  दशरथ नन्दन राम

कौसल्या सुख वर्धन राम
विश्वामित्र प्रियधन राम

घोर ताटक धातक राम
मारीचादि निपातक राम

कौशिकमख संरक्षक राम
श्रीमदहल्योद्धारक राम

गौतममुनि संपूजिता राम
सुर मुनि वर गण संस्तुत राम

नाविक धाविक मृदुपद राम
मिथिलापुरजन मोहक राम

विदेहमानस रञ्जक राम
त्रयम्बक कार्मुख भञ्जक राम

सीतार्पित वरमालिक राम
कृत वैवाहिक कौतुक राम

भार्गवदर्प विनाशक राम
श्रीमदयोध्या पालक राम

Meaning :

Rama,  The essence of Brahman
Rama,  The essence of the destroyer
Rama,  Who sleeps on the snake Sesha
Rama,  Who is prayed to by Brahma and the other Devas
Rama,  Who was born in Sun’s dynasty
Rama,  Who was a source of joy to Dasaratha
Rama,  Who made life of Kausalya very happy
Rama,  Who was most dear treasure to Viswamitra
Rama,  Who killed ogress Tataka in the deep forest
Rama,  Who drove away Maricha (and his brother Subahu)
Rama,  Who saved the yagna (6 day sacrifice) organised by Vishwamitra (Kaushika)
Rama,  Who helped Ahalya to regain form
Rama,  Who was greatly honoured by Sage Gautama
Rama,  Who was praised by Gods and great sages
Rama,  Whose gentle feet were washed by the boatman
Rama,  Who enchanted the people of Mithila
Rama, Who enhanced the honour of King Janaka (Videha)
Rama,  Who broke the bow of Lord Shiva (Trayambaka)
Rama,  Who was garlanded by Princess Sita during her bridegroom selection
Rama,  Who made festive arrangements for his marrying Sita Devi
Rama,  Who destroyed the ego of Parasurama (Bhargava)
Rama,  Who took care of the people of Ayodhya

अयोध्या काण्डम् 

अगणित गुणगण भूषित राम
अवनीतनया कामित राम 

राका चन्द्र समानन राम 
पितृ वाक्यश्रित कानन राम 

प्रियगुह विनिवेदितपद राम 
तक्षलित निज मृदुपद राम 

भारद्वाज मुखाननक राम 
चित्रकूटाद्रि निकेतन राम 

दशरथ संतत चिन्तित राम 
कैकेयी तनयार्पित राम 

 विरचित निज पितृकर्मक राम 
भरतार्पित निज पादुका राम

Meaning :

Rama, Who is full of innumerable virtues
Rama, Who is desired by Sita, the daughter of Earth
Rama, Whose face is like the full moon
Rama, Who obeyed the words of his father and went to the forest
Rama, Who was served by his dear Guha
Rama, Whose feet were washed by Guha
Rama, Who made the face of Sage Bharadwaja glow with joy
Rama, Who lived in Chitrakoota Mountains
Rama, Who continually thought of his father King Dasaratha (during his exile)
Rama, Who was requested to return back by Bharata, the son of Kaikeyi
Rama, Who performed the last rites for his father
Rama, Who gave his sandals to Bharata

आरण्य काण्डम् 

दण्डक वन  जन पावन राम
दुष्ट विराध विनाशन राम

शरभङ्ग सुतीक्ष्णार्चित राम
अगस्त्यानुग्रह वर्धिता राम 

ग्रुघ्राधिप संसेवित राम
पञ्चवटी तटसुस्थित राम 
शूर्पणखार्थि विधायक राम 
खरदूषण मुख सूदक राम 

सीताप्रिय हरिणानुग राम 
मारीचार्ति कृताशुग राम 

विनष्ट सीतान्वेषक राम 
गृघ्राधिप गतिदायक राम 

शबरी दत्त फलाशन राम 
कबन्ध बाहुच्छेदन राम 

Meaning :

Rama, Who purifined Dandaka forest, by clearing it off its demons
Rama, Who killed the wicked demon Viradha
Rama, Who was worshipped by Sage Sarabhanga and Sage Suteekshna
Rama, Who was blessed by Sage Agastya
Rama, Who was honoured by Jatayu (King of Vultures)
Rama, Who lived in Panchavati, at the river bank
Rama, Who enjoined the pain on Surpanaka, for her wicked intentions
Rama, Who killed Khara and Dhushana
Rama, Who went after the deer wanted by Sita
Rama, Who caused pain to Mareecha, for his wrong deed
Rama, Who searched for the lost Sita, earnestly
Rama, Who gave liberation to the King of Vultures, Jatayu.
Rama, Who ate the fruits given by Sabari
Rama, Who cut the hands of Kabanda

किष्किन्धा काण्डम् 

हनुमत्सेवित निजपद राम 
नत सुग्रीवाभीष्टद राम 
गर्वित वाली संहारक राम
वानर दूत प्रेषक राम 
हितकर लक्ष्मण संयुत राम 
Meaning :

Rama, Whose feet were served by Hanuman
Rama, Who granted the wish Sugreeva, who had bowed to him
Rama, Who killed the proud Vali
Rama, Who sent a monkey, as a messenger to Ravana
Rama, Who was always united with Lakshmana, who served him earnestly.

सुन्दर काण्डम् 

कपिवर संतत संस्मृत राम
तद्गति विघ्न ध्वंस्कर राम

सीता प्राणाधारक राम
दुष्ट दशानन दूषित राम

शिष्ट हनुमद्भूषित राम
सीता वेदित काकावन राम

कृत चूडामणि दर्शन राम
कपिवर वचनाशवासित राम

Meaning :

Rama, Who was continually remembered by the Greatest of the Vanaras, Hanuman.
Rama, Who removed all obstacles from Hanuman's path
Rama, Who is the support of life of Sita
Rama, Who despised the evil Ravana
Rama, Who adorned the eminent Hanuman, with praises
Rama, Who heard the Kakasura incident which took place in the Forest from Hanuman as Told (to Hanuman) by Devi Sita
Rama, Who saw the Chudamani of Sita, brought by Hanuman
Rama, Who was comforted by the words of Hanuman

युद्ध काण्डम् 

रावण निधन प्रस्थित राम 
वानर सैन्य समावृत राम 

शोषित शरदीशार्थित राम 
विभीषणाभय दायक राम 

पर्वतसेतु निभन्धक राम 
कुम्भकर्ण शिरश्छेदक राम 

राक्षस संघ विमर्धक राम 
अहिमहिरावण चारण राम 

संहृत दशमुखरावण राम 
विधिभव मुखसुर संस्तुत राम 

खःस्थित दशरथ वीक्षित राम 
सीता दर्शन मोहित राम 

अभिषिक्त विभीषणनत   राम 
पुष्पकयान रोहित राम 

भारद्वाजादिनिषेवण राम 
भरत प्राण प्रियकर राम 

साकेतपुरी भूषण राम 
सकल स्वीयसमानस राम 

रत्नलसत्पीठास्थित राम 
पट्टाभिषेकालङ्कृत  राम 

पार्थिव कुल सम्मानित राम
विभीषणार्पितरङ्कर  राम

कीश कुलानुग्रहकर राम
सकल जीव संरक्षक राम
समस्त लोकाधारक राम

Meaning :

Rama, Who set out to destroy Ravana
Rama, Who was surrounded by the army of monkeys
Rama, Who requested the King of Ocean to give way and subsequently threatened to dry him
Rama, Who gave protection to Vibhishana
Rama, Who built the bridge across the sea, by binding rocks
Rama, Who cut off the head of Kumbhakarna
Rama, Who destroyed the army of Asuras
Rama, Who, through Hanuman, destroyed Mahiravana, who had trapped him in the nether-world
Rama, Who slew the ten-faced Ravana in battle
Rama, Who as praised by Brahma, Siva and other Devas
Rama, Whose divine deeds were seen by Dasaratha from the heavens
Rama, Who was delighted on seeing Sita (after the battle)
Rama, Who coronated Vibhishana, and was reverentially saluted by him.
Rama, Who ascended the Pushpaka Vimana for returning to Ayodhya
Rama, Who visited Sage Bharadwaja and other sages
Rama, Who brought joy into the life of Bharatha, on his return
Rama, Who adorned the city of Ayodhya
Rama, Who treated everyone equally as his kin
Rama, Who sat on the throne studded with shining with gems
Rama, Who was adroned with the royal crown during his coronation
Rama, Who was honoured by the assembly of kings
Rama, Who offered the idol of Sri Ranganatha to Vibhishana
Rama, Who showered his grace on the Sun dynasty
Rama, Who is the guardian of all living beings
Rama, Who is the supporter of all worlds

उत्तर काण्डम्

आगत मुनिगण संस्तुता राम
विश्रुत दशकण्ठोद्भव राम

सीतालिङ्गन निर्वृत राम
नीति सुरक्षित जनपद राम

विपिन त्याजित जनकज राम
कृत लवणासुर वध राम

सवर्गत शम्भुक संस्तुत राम
स्वतनय कुशलव नन्दित राम

अश्वमेध क्रतु दीक्षित राम
कालावेदित सुरपदा राम

अयोध्यकजनमुक्तित राम
विधिमुख विविधानन्दक राम

तेजोमय निजरूपक राम
संसृति बन्ध विमोचक राम

धर्म स्थापन तत्पर राम
भक्ति परायण मुक्तिद राम

सर्व चराचर पालक राम
सर्व भवामयवारक राम

वैकुण्ठालय संस्थित राम
नित्यानन्दपदस्थित राम

राम राम जय राजा राम
राम राम जय सीता राम


Rama, Who was praised by all the visiting sages
Rama, Who heard (learnt about) the origin of the Ten-headed Ravana
Rama, Who was happy in the embrace of Sita
Rama, Who protected his empire according to moral principles
Rama, Who abandoned Sita in the forest
Rama, Who caused the killing of Lavanasura (through Shatrughna)
Rama, Who caused Shambhuka to go to heaven
Rama, Who was made happy by his own sons Kusa and Lava
Rama, Who was initiated in to the Ashwamedha sacrifice
Rama, Who was made aware of his divine position by Kala (time), when His time to depart had arrived
Rama, Who gave liberation to the people of Ayodhya
Rama, Who made the faces of Brahma and other gods, shine with joy
Rama, Who releases one from the bondage of worldly attachments (Samsara)
Rama, Who is eager to establish Dharma in this world
Rama, Who gives liberation to the one who is wholly devoted to Him.
Rama, Who is the guardian of all that is moving and all that is not moving
Rama, Who restrains all the the diseases of worldly attachments (away from his devotees)
Rama,  Who established himself in the abode of Vaikuntha
Rama, Who established his position of eternal bliss

O Rama, Sri Rama, Victory to King Rama
O Rama, Sri Rama, Victory to Sita's Rama

Rendering by M S Subbulakshmi



  1. Very nice thing. But I have one book published by a press in Udupi long ago . In this book Uttarakanda is fully different. There the lines are like this. Rajaka katukthya ddipitha rama
    vipinpreshith Sitha Rama
    kanthavirah sudukhitha Rama .......
    why this change? any body can answer ? I think my English Professor at Karnataka college (1967-1970) Respected sir K. S. Narayana Acharya may do this. but i donot have number or email id.

  2. राम लक्ष्मण जानकी जय बोलो हनुमान की 🙏🌹

  3. Very nice and useful.🙏🙏🙏


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